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Surprise Billionaire Page 7

  I leave my two chefs to get acquainted while I pull my sister aside. “Thanks for organizing everything. Did you and Valentino pack our hamper?”

  She nods and wipes her forehead. “Never a dull moment working for you, Thor. What’ll be your next big purchase? Maybe a football team or a theme park? An airport, perhaps? There’s potentially thousands of staff just waiting to piss off our old friend Jimmy.”

  I shake my head. “I think I’m going to have a long hard think about my future business model. Who knows, maybe I’ll decide to start my own place from scratch.” After all, I really miss those days, and there’s so much more satisfaction in doing it yourself.

  I wait just long enough to watch her jaw drop before grabbing the hamper and heading with Angel to the car.

  Chapter Eleven


  We’re taking the Ferrari, which he just happened to have parked in a nearby garage, into the western suburbs. I’ve never seen so many large houses surrounded by gates and all enveloped in golf course after golf course. Thor casually remarked that he’ll soon teach me to play.

  About half an hour out of town, he presses a button on the dashboard and then a large set of steel gates are opening out to reveal what can only be described as a modern castle.

  “Thor?” I gasp, “is this where you live?”

  He looks so hot in his sunglasses. “This is where I live when I’m in this state,” he says as if it’s nothing.

  It’s about the size of a small shopping mall and has fountains, a hedge maze, pond with ducks and a helipad. I dare not ask where the helicopter is because surely, he doesn’t have his own helicopter. Surely!

  What has to be a valet leaves the house and then waits patiently for our arrival and when Thor pulls up, we just get out and the valet jumps in and drives the car off around the back, supposedly to park the thing.

  Thor’s beaming, “come, let’s eat,” he actually says, like he owns the place, it’s all still too much to believe. He carries the hamper, which is filled with items from Carrington’s new menu à la my new best friend Valentino Rossi and I can’t wait to dive in. “I just have to show you this place first.” He pulls me into a games room that has a billiards table, darts board and a Dance Dance Revolution arcade machine.

  My face brightens. “Oh, I’m so going to whip your sweet ass at this.”

  He puts his arm around me possessively. “We’ll soon see about that.”

  I want to see the whole house and everything that’s in it but the truth is, we’re both absolutely ravenous and Thor’s been seething all day whilst I’ve been wearing this dress. It’s too cruel for either of us to wait any longer, which is why we’re picking up speed as we climb the stairs, stride past a gym, private home cinema, bowling alley and art studio until finally he pushes open the door to his bedroom, which is not really a bedroom at all, but more like an entire open plan suite with living room, kitchen and everything else. The bed is just another part of the furniture.

  He opens out his arms to encompass the large space. “Make yourself at home.” He goes to fix up some plates and put on some music whilst I gaze at the high ceiling, tasteful decor and little bits of Thor. There are many photos with his sister and lots of tastefully uniformed staff from all kinds of businesses around the entire country. There’s a map of the USA with little pins inserted where, presumably, Thor has interests. They’re scattered all over the place with large clusters in certain big cities. There are also pins in Italy, France and other countries.

  I walk across to the table where he’s just setting down the plates. The candle’s already lit and the wine has been poured. I delve into the hamper and pull out the food. Grilled octopus in a spicy vegetable sauce for starters, followed by lobster ravioli and finally a pan-seared venison medallion with a red wine sauce. It all looks beyond delicious and I can’t wait to learn how to make all this stuff myself.

  The wine again has the effect of making me mischievous and I wait for strategic moments, when he just happens to be watching, before innocently leaning forwards to expose my cleavage. He always goes silent when I do this and it’s always followed by a sip of wine to moisten his throat.

  He coughs into a fist. “You enjoying the ravioli?”

  “Um-hmm,” I lean casually forwards to pick up the sauce, “so delicious.”

  He takes a sip of wine and then another, and now he’s looking at me in a way that makes me question if he knows I’m doing it deliberately.

  I pour the sauce innocently over my ravioli. Sometimes torture can be fun.

  I’m completely stuffed by the time it comes to dessert, crème brûlée, which is one of my absolute favorites.

  Thor pulls his chair closer and dips his spoon into the dessert before holding it out for me. I lean forwards and open my mouth and somehow, he manages to get some on my chin. “Whoops, here let me get that.” He kisses it off my face and then brings forth the spoon again, only this time he smushes it across my neck. “Damn it, I’m so clumsy.” He moves down and covers my neck with his mouth, tonguing the sweetness from my flesh whilst seizing a breast and gently squeezing through my dress. “I know exactly what you’ve been doing, my Angel, but now the time has finally come. You’ve kept me waiting all day but now I have you all to myself and I’m about to have my way with you.”

  I’m already heaving with anticipation and he scoops me up and places me on the countertop before lifting the dress over my head and casting it to the nearby couch. My bra soon follows and then he’s pasting the creamy goodness all over my breasts before spending considerable time cleaning it off the best way he knows how.

  I’m kicking off my underwear and then smearing myself down there too. He takes his cue and pulls me to the edge for a better angle, crouches, and I find myself falling back against the plates as his tongue swirls and curls and flicks inside of me. My ankles hook behind his back, pulling him tighter and I can already feel something huge brewing from the very pits of my belly. I’m just about to explode when Thor pulls away, leaving me gasping and frustrated, but he’s lifting me up again and effortlessly carrying me across the room and dumping me on the bed.

  “Turn around,” he grunts, and I do, hearing the zipper followed by the sound of friction as he tugs off his jeans. His thick round head teases my opening and I find myself moving back onto him, impaling myself, and then his hands are grasping hard my buttocks and then I’m being pounded, again and again, deep, powerful thrusts, stretching my passage to the limit, the sweet sound of his thighs smacking my ass, I bite into a mouthful of sheets to save from screaming, and then I’m exploding as I feel jet after jet of Thor’s hot, sticky seed coating my insides. He remains in situ, his fingers rigidly digging into my flesh until he’s released every last drop, and only then does he pull out so that he can carry me into his shower.

  I barely even notice the gold basin and diamond encrusted cups, but within a few seconds, the water’s raining down on us, my back’s pinned against the wall and my legs wrap around his back as he uses the strength in his arms to hold me up. His thrusts are slow but powerful and this angle is so incredibly tight for us both that he needs only a couple of minutes before again, he’s firing jets of cream deep inside of me.

  Still dripping with water, we’re rushing back to the bed where he pulls me on top so that I’m straddling him. I love this new angle, which means I have full control over his penetration and I can aim right for that very spot that makes my belly begin to swirl with the makings of something huge. I lean forwards, placing my hands on his hard abdominals and continue rocking as his size stretches me like never before. He’s biting his bottom lip, clutching hard my hips and then his entire body bucks as he releases yet more seed to coat my passage. My body goes into rapture as I let out a scream and my muscles contract to pull Thor’s nectar even further inside of me. For a whole minute, we both remain in position, shivering, shaking, sweating, our bodies slowly cooling until finally, I collapse on top of him.

  I don’t know for ho
w long we both remain silent, embracing each other, but eventually Thor brings me to arm’s length and delves into the pocket of his jeans, pulling out a small box.

  I think I know what it might be but I still can’t believe it. “Thor?” I find myself shrieking.

  He opens the box, I think I recall him leaving me for a few moments back at the mall, and inside is the largest ring I’ve ever seen. “My angel,” he begins, “you make me the happiest man in the world and it’s only going to get better for us,” he takes the ring out of the box and places it straight on my finger, “I knew the moment I saw you that you would be mine forever and now I’m making it official.” He didn’t ask and truth is he doesn’t need to.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” I scream, “I never want to be with anyone else.”

  We embrace and share a long, hard, passionate kiss. He’s already growing down below, and I clench my inadequate fingers around it and begin working him.

  “Forever,” he moves on top and I lie back and prepare to be entered.

  Epilogue One - Two Months Later


  Eight weeks.

  That’s all I needed before I took my Angel up the aisle and we were hitched.

  She was already pregnant, as was my intention, and in a few short months from now, Angel will be giving birth to the first of our many children.

  I stare at that ass as I approach her, leaning over the balcony, the gently rippling waves of the Mediterranean splashing against the yacht’s hull not far below. She’s gazing through a pair of binoculars at the Italian landmass when I press myself against her and place my hands on her belly that’s carrying our child.

  She twists her head to kiss me hard on the lips. “What city is that?”

  “I told the captain to take us to the Amalfi Coast, so you’re actually looking at a series of small towns.” My cock is already swelling against her ass, it never takes much, the slightest touch of her flesh, her smell, a glance at her curves. That will never change. “Not long now and we’ll berth at the harbor.” And just as soon as we arrive at my villa, for the first time, I’ll get to ravish her on the European continent. It won’t be the last.

  My Italian villa sits high on a hill overlooking the town of Amalfi, which is where they make a famous liquor from lemons. It’s sweet and has become synonymous with the town. I want to show Angel everything. Experience all that the world has to offer. With her.

  Two months of relaxation for our honeymoon, just me and the most beautiful girl in the world. I also have much thinking ahead of me, to decide what to do next. Just sitting back and collecting the money has never been my thing. I have to do something good with my time, my resources, my abilities and hopefully, whilst I’m here, I’ll be able to figure all that out.

  After two weeks, Angel’s family will be joining us. I love them each already; Carol and the triplets, Kelly, Holly and Tilly, even if I can’t tell any of them apart and it gets more and more embarrassing every time I say the wrong name. I tell you, I might have to start insisting they wear name tags.

  Of course, I’m taking care of them too, not that Angel even asked but I insisted. They’re family, after all, and I take care of what’s mine. I never had much family, just me and Sissy, so seeing it expand so greatly is a blessing and I intend to make the most of it. Those three girls will go to the best colleges in the country and receive the best opportunities, and Angel’s mother, Carol, will never have to work another day in her life.

  We’re going to be exploring Italy as a family, and we’re all going to have the time of our lives.

  My cell rings and I move away from Angel to answer, adjusting my trunks as I do. “Yeah?”

  “Thor,” it’s Malcolm, one of my lawyers back home, “looks like we did it.”

  I can’t keep the smile from my lips. “By how many votes?”

  “Not even close. Looks like Harrison might have to get a job waiting at one of your restaurants.”

  “If he’s lucky.”

  “Look, Thor, I won’t keep you any longer. Enjoy your honeymoon. And congratulations!”

  I end the call and gaze at the approaching town of Amalfi.

  Nobody insults my girl.


  Epilogue Two - One Year Later


  “Big order, babe, looks like a tableful of shrimp addicts, and some of them are large,” Clare strings the word out and I can only gulp, hoping we have enough shrimp to go around. She passes me the order and I exhale a deep breath.

  “Oh, gosh, talk about being back in the thick of it.” Indeed, it’s my first shift back after my maternity leave, but at least I have Valentino, well, for one more day. “Thanks again for holding the ship for me. Do you really think I’m ready?”

  He throws a heap of prawns into the pan and tosses in the herbs, cream, pesto and butter. “Angel,” I always love the way he pronounces my name with a hard g, “you are amazing chef and will be fine without little old me.”

  Still, he taught me everything I know and it will be hard to see him leave. But when you’re one of the world’s best chefs then I guess it’s cruel to confine their talents to just one restaurant in some obscure town. That gift needs sharing. Oh yeah, Valentino isn’t the only person we’ll be losing.

  “Are those lasagnes ready?” Alma enters the kitchen and slinks up behind the Italian before shamelessly brushing against his ass.

  He spins around holding his spatula and slaps her on the leg, “ah, my favorite dish.”

  “Bleugghhh,” I have to look away, those two never cease. Aye, it’s amazing what the love of a good man can do for a woman.

  My husband texts. “Everything still all good for tonight?”

  I respond, “You bet! And don’t be late.”

  He wouldn’t want to miss tonight’s surprise party for the world, which is why he’s making extra sure there have been no last minute changes of plan. He has to travel over from the homeless shelter he built, where he’s putting in a late shift teaching a business class to the residents.

  I still remember the day he came up with the idea and ran jumping into the pool all excited to tell me, half drunk on a bottle of Limoncello he’d purchased earlier in Amalfi.

  “I have it! I finally have it, my Angel!” He splashed water all over the place.

  “Ok, but careful, my unborn child would like to have a father.”

  He waved it away. “I will build a homeless shelter and teach new skills, offer grants for businesses so that never again will they have to spend another night sleeping on the concrete.”

  I was about to tell him that it was a fantastic idea, but he was already jumping out the pool, getting on his cell and making calls. I love my husband and can’t wait to have more of his children.

  The last diners leave, Janice locks the doors and all everybody has to do now is clean up. I take a breath in the kitchen, happy I got through my first day back but feeling the trepidation at the thought that from tomorrow, I will officially be the head chef at this place. Wow!

  Alma places down her cleaning cloth and makes her way over. For a few seconds, she just stares at me, her lips quivering in that way people do when they’re about to start crying.

  “Oh, no, Alma, please don’t, you’ll set me off too.”

  “Thank you again, Angel.”

  “What for?”

  She shakes her head. “You know exactly why.”

  I flap a hand. “Ancient history, my sweet, and besides, if it hadn’t been for all that business, I would never have met my Thor, which means you’d never have met Val either.” It can be a funny old world sometimes.

  “Even so…” she begins and stops. There’s nothing else that needs to be said. Valentino wants to move back home and Alma’s going with him. Something about a nice house he has somewhere in Tuscany, and Thor and I have been invited to visit anytime we like.

  I take off my hat and embrace my old foe. I then have to keep her distracted for a few more minutes whilst everything in the restau
rant moves into position. I’m watching through the serving hatch and waiting for Clare to give the signal.

  “You could visit us in Amalfi too. It’s where they make limoncello. You ever heard of it?” I crane my neck but Clare’s only showing me her palm in a signal to wait.

  Alma gives me a funny look. “We serve it in the restaurant and … you brought me a bottle back from your honeymoon.”

  “Oh,” I scratch my head, “yes, that’s right, um, did you enjoy it?” Still the palm.

  “It made me sick,” she’s squinting at me now, “don’t you remember? You were there.”

  “Ah, yes, now I remember.” Hurry up! I can just make out Thor and Harry in his baby carrier, lots of movement. “So, um, what do you plan to do when you arrive in…” Clare gives me the thumbs up, “Ok, that’s goodbye, Alma, have a safe flight.” I’m gently shimmying her towards the restaurant and give her a gentle shove through the door.

  “Surprise!!!” Everybody’s here, the brass band starts up and the poppers start flying.

  “Oh, my God!” Alma shrieks but quickly realizes what’s happened, turns around and gives me a look I’ll always remember. She’s quickly surrounded by friends and colleagues all thrusting cards in her direction and there’s Val with the champagne filling glasses. I step away from the madness and Thor joins me in the corner.

  “A happy ending, my Angel,” he looks so adorable with our beautiful baby, in fact, he’s kind of making me want to start work on baby number two. He catches me looking at him. “Don’t worry, I’m on it,” he says, knowing full well what I’m thinking. He leans close and groans into my ear. “Nine months, maybe from this very day, and we’ll have our next child.”

  I think he means it.

  Also by Maggie Twain