Pretty Nerd Page 7
I’ve no doubt he’ll wake up again soon, so I decide to be a little mischievous and have a surprise waiting for him when he does. I unzip that awful shell suit and remove it from my person. I also take off my bra and panties before carefully unzipping his zipper and bringing out his fun stick. I then carefully lower myself down over it. I flinch when it first enters me but it doesn’t hurt like it did the first few times, even though I’m extremely mindful to be very careful as I continue sinking down on top of it. His eyes are still closed but I wonder if I don’t see the smallest crease as the side of his mouth turns up. I reach the bottom and now that he’s fully accommodated, I begin gently rocking. It’s about a minute later when finally, he shudders awake.
He laughs, reaches up to hold my upper regions and grins in that almost demonic way I’m beginning to get used to and it’s not long before my entire body is overtaken in convulsions and I feel like passing out myself. I feel a hot release firing inside of me and I continue trying to angle my body so that I can use his joystick to smush it further upwards. Of course, I’m supposed to be going to Harvard but I would defer that forever if it meant being able to have a baby with Blake’s handsome face.
Finally, we arrive in the sauna and he suggests that we sit for a while where he can lean against the wall and I can prop my feet around his head. As the steam envelops us, he talks about taking me to his private island off Key West where we would do nothing but eat, sit in the sun and play the accommodation game all day long. I tell him that I’d be happy merely sharing his office whilst I work on the new filing system. He goes silent for a while and just looks at me with a new expression and I’m not completely certain what it is. All I know for sure is that the next time he puts his fun stick inside of me, it’s a very different experience, slower, more intense and he kisses me longer and more passionately than normal.
I think I’m really falling for Blake and can’t wait to see what happens between us next.
Chapter Eleven
I lay awake staring into her beautiful face. Never before have I been so convinced that this is the girl I’ll spend the rest of my life with and I will do whatever it takes to make it so, to make her the happiest girl who ever lived.
I stroke her hair and breathe in her nerdy scent. She makes sweet little sounds even whilst she sleeps and even that’s enough to turn my cock into a rod of solid steel. I stroke it gently and spread the juice that’s seeping out from the tip around my thick, bulbous purple head and nestle it snugly between her thighs, aiming for her tight little cunt.
She judders awake and before I can even think, she’s throwing a leg over me, clamping a hand around the base of my cock and guiding it towards her hole. She sinks down as her lips part in a silent scream, quickly bottoms out and leans forward for a passionate kiss. She grinds away, more forcefully than ever I’ve known her capable as I feel her yells through her mouth. Her tits crush against my chest, her nipples hard, and I clutch those things with all I have. She’s still so tight that it’s not long before my entire body is overtaken with the throes of ecstasy and jet after jet of hot cream is being injected deep inside of her.
We remain in situ as we both gasp for breath. Her glasses are on the nightstand and without them she can’t help but squint, almost totally blind as she is. I reach out, take ahold of them and carefully place them where they belong. She smiles and I know that today will be a good day. In fact, without either of us having said a word, all I know is that I want every morning for the rest of my life to be exactly the same as this.
We shower together, get breakfast and then I watch as she gets into her nerd clothes. It’s amazing, but her flats, pants and sweater, not to mention those thick fucking goggles, really ought to make her look appalling yet to me, she’s nothing but the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and I don’t think there’s anything Alice could ever wear that would displease me.
We take the elevator down one floor and waltz into the office, hand in hand, just as a few hundred of my employees are turning in for work. I can’t help but notice how everything seems more beautiful today, the views of New York City through the windows, the office setup, the paint job, even the fucking people. I see Alice situated at her desk in my office and decide that today, someone else can go for her coffee, heck, I’ll even get it myself.
“What would you like from Has Beans, my lover?”
Her head tilts to the side. “Oh, you’re so kind, I think I’ll have whatever you’re having.” She’s just so adorable and I can’t wait to learn absolutely everything there is to know about her.
“Consider it done. I will be back but first there are a few things I need to take care of.” I grab my jacket from the back of my seat. “Don’t hesitate to call me if there are any problems.”
I leave and head out into the city. It’s only five minutes later when I receive a call from Alice. “What’s happened? Are you alright?” My heart’s racing in all kinds of bad ways as I recall those bad men I had to fire. The girl’s just so naive, innocent and perfect that I can’t help but fear her trustworthy nature has resulted in something horrific happening. I really shouldn’t have left her all alone, how will I ever forgive myself?
“Oh, gosh, you sound so worried.” She giggles down the line and it’s such a beautiful, relieving sound. “Nothing’s happened. I just miss you, is all.”
“Thank God,” I breathe profoundly and attempt to hail a cab. One stops and I jump in and cover the mouthpiece to speak to the driver. “To the Diamond District.” I remove my hand. “Hey, that coffee might be a little late.”
“I’ll wait forever just so long as it’s brought by you.” She’s cheesy as hell but I love it, which I’m finding is strange for me, and I doubt there’s another woman in the world who could get away with such soppiness. Not more than twenty minutes later, I’m getting out of the cab and she calls again.
“Alice, is everything alright?”
She laughs. “Oh, you do worry about me, Blake,” she giggles, “I was just calling to ask permission to take an early lunch. My friend Nancy’s returned from camp and would like to meet for ice cream.”
“Camp, huh?” That’s reassuring, and I picture Alice and her fellow nerds sitting around a campfire singing bible verses in the woods. I’m still uneasy about it though, not least because despite everything, this Nancy person was responsible for attempting to corrupt Alice’s sweet little mind. “Hmmm…” I rub my chin and Alice is able to sense my unease through the line.
“You can come meet us too if you’d like? In fact, I’d love to introduce you to my friend.”
I hum in affirmation. “Very well, since you’re Employee of the Month, and all. Just text me the details and I’ll meet you after I’ve taken care of business.”
That message comes through shortly after and when I’m done with my business, I catch another cab and tell the driver to head for Delany’s, which is a popular ice cream parlor on Rivington Street. I see the problem the moment I step out the cab.
Alice’s booth is located at the window, she’s sitting there with a small blonde girl and there are two young men with them. My hand balls into a fist and the bell on the door clatters especially loud when I enter. They all look up when I arrive and loom down at the table.
“Hello,” I say, sounding more civil than I feel. I’m not sure how I managed to pull that off.
Alice’s face lights up. “Blake!” She stands and throws her arms around me. “I’d like you to meet my best friend Nancy, and these are Brad and Stryker.”
I already don’t like the sound of these names and judging by their proximity, I’m guessing Nancy and Brad are dating, which only leaves the good looking guy with the backwards baseball cap. “Why are you called Stryker?”
He grins as he leans back, sliding his arm out across the headrest behind the space formerly occupied by my Alice, and I can’t say for certain that he’s not checking out her ass when he speaks. “Because I always score.”
lice bobs up on her toes to reach her lips to my cheek and then says excitedly, “Stryker plays for the New York Cosmos.”
I shrug, maybe I should buy them and fire him. “What’s your real name, son?”
He hesitates before answering, clearly he doesn’t like my tone, or being called son, and wants to maintain his dominant aspect with the girls, one of whom belongs to me.
“Your name, boy,” I say again. There’s only one dominant male in this group and that’s me.
His head sags. “Glen.”
I allow a grin to escape me and from this moment forward, he’d better recognize who’s boss.
There’s silence for a while until Alice tugs me down into the spare seat. “Come join us.” She slides back into the booth beside Glen, which leaves me to occupy the chair at the table’s head. I’m out of place.
“Alice,” I give her a stern look and sound reprimanding, “you told me you were meeting with Nancy.”
The blonde answers for her. “Yes, it was me who invited the other two along. Brad’s my boyfriend and Stryker’s Brad’s best friend.” It’s obvious from her tone she’s taken a disliking to me immediately, not that I can blame her for that, though it’s not like I give a shit anyway, but it’s hard to know much about the girl from what little I have and that is my concern. Like Alice, she sounds well educated and intelligent, though unlike my girl, she’s wearing a skirt that cuts off at the knees and her top exposes at least half of her belly. She has a fucking belly button piercing! I can’t help but wonder if she used to be more similar to Alice but recently changed, and is thinking of corrupting my girl even further than she already has. “I’m sorry,” she begins, “who are you again, her dad?”
I’m literally fucking shaking and can feel the heat rising throughout my body. I’m in need of some ice cream to cool down but the service around here’s appalling. I decide not to take the bait, nor to challenge her on attempting to corrupt my sweet, innocent, pretty nerd. It’s hard for me to sound composed but I have to try, because when it’s all said and done, this Nancy girl is still Alice’s friend. “So, what were you discussing before I arrived?”
“Well, we were having fun, for one.” It’s Glen who answers, and I can tell from his smirk that he’s enjoying my discomfort. “We were discussing our plans for when we’re traveling the world.” Now, he most certainly does check out Alice, and does so by lavishing his eyes upon her breasts. “You know, the places we’re going to see, the things we’re going to be doing.” The bastard licks his lips in a way that’s meant to provoke a reaction. This time, he might well succeed.
My heart stabs and I don’t doubt my alarm is visible in my eyes. Alice is going traveling! Yes, of course, now I remember Doug mentioning something about that when he first asked permission for his daughter to take work experience at my company. I hadn’t remembered because, at the time, I’d pretty much dismissed the entire conversation. But it’s true. In less than three months, Alice will leave Ruddiger Ventures to travel, apparently with this handsome professional sportsman, and after that she will go to Harvard.
I can’t deny her that.
And I was very wrong to ever think that I could.
As crazy as I know that I am for Alice, I cannot contrive to deny the girl her rightful future.
I stand and face Glen across the table. “Alice is very fragile and special to me. Just promise me you’ll take care of her.”
He’s too shocked to even answer and Alice gives me such an uncharacteristic hard glare that her glasses go wonky, just like they do so often, a trait that I’ve learned to adore but will see no more. She hisses, “Blake, what are you talking about?”
“Alice, enjoy the rest of your life.” I tilt down to gaze at her, take her little hand and kiss it just above the knuckles. “Goodbye, my pretty nerd.”
I turn and leave.
Chapter Twelve
What just happened?
The love of my life just said goodbye and stormed out the ice cream parlor.
I feel the nudge on my arm. “Huh?”
Nancy waves a hand in front of my face. “Ally, you should really try contacts, you completely zoned out there.”
“Contacts?” I say monotone.
“You’d look better with contacts,” Stryker says, leaning close. “Not that you’re not hot anyways.”
I’d look better with contacts? Blake preferred me just the way I am. No, in fact, Blake was crazy about me just the way I am.
I try to refocus my eyes. “But, I like my glasses,” I say, defensively, whilst being unable to wrench away that awful final image of Blake in turmoil as he walked away.
Nancy leans forwards. “Hmm, you know, whilst we’re on the subject … since we’re heading to Rome, Venice and Milan, and all … perhaps you could … possibly find some, you know, better clothes,” she holds up her hands defensively when she sees my face, “hey, I’m just saying. Have you seen how the Italians dress? You want to fit in, don’t you?”
Stryker leans close and I feel his hot breath in my ear. “You’d look fucking hot wearing something like that,” he nods across the table in Nancy’s direction.
I can’t ever imagine myself wearing anything like that, I’d be way too self-conscious, I mean, she’s showing skin. Sure, she looks good for her, but it’s certainly not me.
“Anyway,” Nancy begins, “now that unpleasantness is out of the way, it leaves you free to date Stryker.”
“Yeah, man!” He calls out, making me jump.
“The four of us dating as we travel the world … it’s so meant to be.” Nancy has changed so much since boarding school that I’m not even sure I recognize my friend anymore. Brad taps into his phone because he’s barely even interested in what’s going on and from what I understand, he’s not even the only guy Nancy’s been dating since graduation. “Which reminds me … your dad’s not home, right?”
My eyebrows dip, this can’t be anything good. “Right?”
She leans forwards and shows big eyes. “Perhaps we can party at yours tonight?”
“Yeah, man!” Stryker calls out again.
I gasp and feel a sudden burst of horror, but that horror’s soon overwhelmed by Blake’s handsome face that fights its way to the front of my mind. I think I’ve heard all I need to hear. “I’m sorry, Nancy, but I’m afraid I won’t be traveling with you this summer.”
“What?” She makes an ugly, contemptuous smirk. “Ally, what are you talking about?”
I grab my purse. “Um, perhaps you should give my ticket to one of your new friends.” I don’t wait for her response, but just slide out the booth and run out the parlor.
I’m crying as I dash through the crowded streets, bumping into men and women as I go. It’s 0.8 miles to the Central Park Tower, I estimate my speed at 4.8 miles per hour, which means I’ll reach Blake in sixteen minutes and twenty seconds. In reality, however, I’m running much faster than my estimations but there are so many people in the way that I’m slowed down considerably. I’ll arrive when I get there but it can’t come soon enough.
Finally, dripping with yucky sweat, I reach my destination and wave to the nice security man as I charge through into the elevator. It’s a painfully long wait for it to move all the way to the top but finally, it arrives, the doors open and then I’m dashing out and heading straight for our office.
“Blake?” I shout as I crash through the door, but he’s not here. “Oh, no, Blake, where are you?” Where could he be? There’s only one place that I can possibly think of. It’s still early but if I know him like I think I do then he has to be there.
I take the elevator back down until I reach the gym. It’s large, noisy, crowded and smelly. Big men stare at me as I search frantically for Blake. There’s a crowd gathering around a boxing ring and, fearing the worst, I shove my way towards it.
I see him!
He’s leaning against the ropes, wearing only shorts as he binds his fist with a long white stra
p. There’s another man doing the same over at the other side and he’s huge.
Are they about to fight?
Surely not!
A bell rings and the crowd begins to cheer.
No! They truly are about to fight.
I can just see the top of Blake’s head bobbing up and down and I have to shove my way through to get to the front. “Blake,” I shout.
He doesn’t hear and he’s ducking and weaving as his opponent tries to hit him.
“He’s gonna lose this one, love,” a man at my side says, “the smart money’s on Barry ‘The Battering Ram’ Bradshaw.”
“Put fifty bucks on the bastard just now.”
“What are you talking about?” I shake my head and scream again for Blake.
He gets caught attempting to sidestep a blow and instead gets struck in the ribs. He’s against the ropes now and Mr Battering Ram hits him repeatedly in the body from close quarters. Most of the attempts connect as Blake finds it difficult to defend himself.
He doesn’t want to defend himself!
I can’t take this anymore and, using strength I never knew I possessed, I jump onto the side of the ring and roll beneath the ropes.
“Time out! Time out!” The ref calls as I scramble to my feet.
I’m crying my eyes out again and can do nothing to stop my legs from carrying me straight into Blake’s arms. “Blake!” I heave. There are deafening shouts coming from the crowd, a few cheers but mostly boos, though I’m unable to comprehend any of it. Everything’s a blur and my glasses are wonky.
Blake shakes his head in disbelief. “Alice, what … what are you doing here?”
“I love you,” I declare, “please, don’t get yourself hurt.”
His eyes widen as his head snaps back in surprise, but then his hands tighten around my back as he pulls me into a tight embrace. He smells of sweat and his body is slippery. “I love you too.”